Una Vida in Chaco Canyon

May 17, 2006
Chaco Canyon, New Mexico

Additional photos
Lat - 36o 01' 59.61" north  Long- 107o 54' 43.53" west
Una Vida : Looking at Fajada Butte

Una Vida is one of the pueblo ruins located in Chaco Canyon and closest to the visitor center. Construction began about 850 A.D. and continued until it was abandoned along with Pueblo Bonito and Penasco Blanco.

Experts don't believe there were enough residential areas to support everyday life so Una Vida was intended for ceremonial and political use.

Una Vida : overhead view

Una Vida has not been excavated and probably won't be. By leaving it in a natural state, the sand provides the best preservation.

Una Vida : Cliffs above the pueblo

Several petroglyphs can be seen on the canyon walls above the pueblo. Some of those symbols are probably clan/tribe related and some may have been related to celestial events. It is believed that Fajada Butte played a role in some of the spiral designs to show the equinoxes.

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